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Through Gwynn's Falls mill corridor trail and old railroad worker housing, to institutions, Black section, universities and eastside historic and commercial


Relentless rowhouses, accented by murals. These in southwest Baltimore's Pigtown are typical of the estimated 10,000 I walked by one Saturday

montreal - hochelaga

Poetry in this space said something like: "It's late, it's dark, and that which is projected by the police illuminate the days with what we wish to see..." the poet's epitaph said he died in 2000




Historic north end to industrial port, Irish section, and university peninsula, across racially diverse area to Olmsted preserve and affluent Back Bay

West side medical center and universities south through historic Schuykill River industry, across lower income section, north through historic redevelopments and National Park, through near northside residential to Franklin Parkway cultural center.

old colonies

new york city


Historic Bronzeville southside to University of Chicago area, north along lakeshore trail, west through Chinatown and old industrial river corridor to university of Illinois to Greektown and subdivisions south of commercial center.

32 mile circle around Manhattan, through restored Hudson River trail, commercial center, historic lower eastside residential and Brooklyn Bridge, to midtown, through Central Park, Harlem and universities and south to Times Square entertainment.

regional centers



Riverfront heritage trail from Golden Triangle downtown, to Southside Carson Street mixed use commercial corridor, then across Hot Metal Bridge to affluent residential neighborhoods, universities, west to Medical Center, Price Hill and warehouse district. 

Historic Cuyahoga River flats and industrial corridor, including Ohio City and Tremont neighborhoods, then to ethnic east side; downtown through university and depopulation along Euclid corridor, to cultural center, through Park to Lakeshore Trail. 

st louis


Loop through residential northside, including olmstead linked parks, affluent and historic neighborhoods, and south through city center to Larkinville and depopulated section along vacated industrial waterways.

Commercial edge of downtown through depopulated section of Old northside, then east through industry to North Riverfront Trail, south to LaClede Landing, past Arch to Soulard Market area; west along Lafayette, south through affluent area to Tower Grove Park, north on Grand to midtown universities and West end entertainment district, near Forest Park

industrial giants



Historic commercial center through Over-The-Rhine and cultural institutions, to train station and wholesale of old Mill Creek corridor; slope to university and affluent residential areas, to Northside, then south through institutions to Mt Adams slope, Eden Park, and far eastside Walnut neighborhoods. 

Through restored Menominee River valley, to ethnic southside, residential and commercial corridors and north along Milwaukee River to affluent section, and south along lakefront and cultural center.

industrial giants

industrial giants


Riverfront southwest through small scale industry, past bridge, through old worker areas, north through Mexicantown, north through emptied section near Grand River corridor. Woodbridge and Wayne State University north to New Center commercial and historic neighborhoods, east to North End farms, south through Art Center and Medical Center, east to wholesale market district and empty rail corridor, then downtown.

my hometown

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